Regular Worship Services

Sunday Services

Sunday         8.00 am Service with Eucharist

Sunday         9.30 am Service with Sung Eucharist, 
                                   BASE Kids children's ministry

Weekday Services

Tuesday         10.30 am Meditation

Wednesday 10:30 am Communion,
3rd Wednesday of each month


St John's Bentleigh is an Anglican church.  Anglican churches in Australia offer a variety of worship styles.  Here at St John's, our regular Sunday services follow the format of A Prayer Book for Australia (1995) and include songs, prayers, readings from the bible, a talk on the readings, and sharing of Holy Communion (also called the Eucharist).  We mark the seasons of the Church's year such as Christmas, Lent, Easter and Pentecost:  the church decoration and priest's clothing reflect these seasons.  Our services may include a level of ritual, such as lighting of candles and other actions to help us in our worship.  Currently we are introducing a new family style service on some Sundays: this follows a similar format but is less formal, more interactive and with contemporary family friendly music.  These services will be held at 9:30 am, please check our News and Community page to see dates.

Children are welcome at all our services.  Sunday Services at 9:30 am make special provision for children. BASE Kids provides a range of children's activities including story telling, crafts, and brain-storming exercises to engage children at an appropriate level. Our family services are intended to appeal to children, and emphasise children's participation.

Special Services

To enquire about baptisms, confirmations, first communions, weddings or funerals, please contact the Parish Office (03) 9557 2226.

Services to mark special days, such as Christmas and Easter, will be notified on the Home page or News and Community page.